If you’ve had a roof rat infestation, you know the inconvenience they can cause. Not only do Roof rats gnaw through the shingles of your roof, but they’ll also contaminate your home and spread several diseases and bacteria. Aside from the damage they cause, rats can also transmit fleas and spread disease to humans. If you have a roof rat infestation, you may want to call a professional pest control company.
Norway rats are more stout
Although Norway rats are smaller and stouter than roofs, they can be a serious problem for Houston property owners. They often enter homes through holes in the ground, but they are also more likely to cause damage to roofs and attics. Despite their similar size, there are some differences between the two species that may require pest control services. Here is a quick guide to both types of rats.
Roof rats are smaller than Norways, but they share some traits. Both species are omnivorous and prefer fresh foods. They will also eat garbage and decaying food, so they are less likely to cause damage to your property. Though all rodents are omnivorous, the roof rat is known to favor fruits, nuts, and vegetables. This is a problem for homeowners with fruit trees in their yards. In the meantime, make sure to remove any fallen fruit and vegetables from the ground to prevent an infestation.
Both Norway and roof rats are brown with scattered black hairs and a scaly tail. They are slightly smaller than roof rats, but have the same size body. The Norway rat is the most common rat in the United States, and has the same appearance as the roof rat. Norway rats are stout, but roof rats are smaller. These rats are more likely to invade structures than other types of rats, and they are more resistant to trapping than roof rats.
They can carry diseases
If your roof rat infestation causes you to be concerned about the health of your family, it’s time to call for a professional inspection. Roof rats, like their common cousins, are known to carry a variety of diseases. This includes hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, which is transmitted through contact with rodent droppings and saliva. Although roof rats have not been linked to this particular disease, it is always best to exercise caution when dealing with infestations. Professional pest management companies can inspect and remove any unwanted rodents. They also can damage your property and contaminate your food.
Besides carrying diseases, rats cause extensive damage in your home. They can contaminate food and animal feed, destroy food storage containers, gnaw through electrical wires, and damage wooden structures. They can also cause significant damage to attics and ornamental plants. The damage they cause is far greater than just cosmetic, however. Getting rid of roof rats is vital if you want to protect your family’s health.
Depending on the species, roof rats can transmit different diseases to humans and livestock. They also carry ratbite fever, a severe respiratory infection. In addition to that, roof rats are known to carry plague. Although this disease is more common in other species, plague is more often associated with roof rats. You can identify signs of roof rats by looking for their droppings and tracks on the ground. Fresh droppings are soft and large. If you think your property may have rats, place a flour tracking patch overnight to determine if there is a problem.
They can contaminate food
In addition to contaminating food, rats also gnaw on electrical wires, wooden materials, and insulation to create their homes. They can also cause significant damage to the environment and plants by burrowing beneath structures. As they multiply, rats and mice can also transmit diseases to humans. These diseases are spread via bites, contaminating food, and fleas that feed on dead roof rats. Depending on where you live, roof rats may also cause damage to electrical wiring, wooden structures, and ornamental plantings.
One of the first signs of a roof rat infestation is droppings. Rats have a habit of digging in boxes and other places to find food. When food is found in a box, they may contaminate the contents of the box. Rats are active breeders and can produce 40 or more young each year. At six weeks of age, roof rats mature and can produce as many as six to eight pups. You can recognize if you’ve got an infestation by seeing droppings. They’re also likely to have nests in your home. You can even get rid of your problem by calling Sweeney Pest Control.
Roof rats usually feed at dusk and before dawn. They can enter your home through your attic or ceiling and spend the night in the attic or crawlspace. These rodents are omnivores and like to eat nuts, fruits, and vegetables, as well as seeds and other insects. In addition to this, they also eat fish, shellfish, and aquatic organisms. If you notice an infestation of roof rats, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced pest control company for a professional inspection and removal.