Roof Rat Removal The Heights TX

Roof rats can be destructive to a home. Known as Norway rats, they are common in the Dallas metroplex. In search of a warm, dry place, these rodents can infest homes. One pair of rats can produce as many as twelve babies every year. In under two months, a newborn rat can reproduce. Within a year, the offspring of a pair of roof rats can number ten to fifteen thousand.

Roof rats are nocturnal

Typically active at night, Roof Rats return to their daytime habitat once daylight is fading. Large populations of Roof Rats often compete for food and habitat. During the day, however, you may be able to spot these creatures while they are searching for food or nesting sites. They may also be foraging for mates or breeding. In any case, they are worth monitoring. Listed below are some precautions to follow when dealing with roof rats.

Roof Rats are dark brown or black rodents with a long scaly tail and pointed nose. Their bodies measure about 10 to 12 inches in length and are covered with gray hairs. They also have a white underbelly. They weigh five to nine ounces on average, but can grow up to 12 ounces in size. They live in both indoors and out, and they can be a pest in your home.

Roof Rats are primarily nocturnal and prefer cool weather. They forage for food in small groups and tend to return to the same location, so they can follow the same pathway to their food. They are also extremely adept climbers and can access the upper portions of structures. Although they are generally harmless, they may bite you occasionally. If you find roof rats in your home, don’t wait too long to deal with them.

They can be heard scurrying around in your attic

If you are looking for an effective roof rat removal in The Heights, TX, there are several reasons you should call a professional. Despite their name, roof rats are not the same as their more familiar cousins. Unlike their ground-level counterparts, these rodents are not known for digging burrows or tunnels. They will instead chew up plastic or wooden items to get to the food. Despite this, they do prefer fruit, vegetables, grains, and cereal. In addition, vines on exterior walls and overhanging branches of trees can attract these pests. However, unlike other rodents, roof rats tend to be cautious and will avoid new objects and food sources.

In addition to chewing on almost everything, rats also use their sharp front teeth to gnaw on electrical wires and other objects. Their teeth grow so quickly, in fact, that they could cut through a person’s bottom lip. They also have a high metabolic rate, so even if you don’t feed them regularly, the damage they do to your property could cause severe physical and financial damage. And because they can’t survive for days without food, even a small bite can kill them.

Luckily, a professional rodent removal company will arrive at your property in a uniform and decal-labeled work truck. They will inspect your roof and inspect the exterior of your building for signs of rat infestation, and discuss their findings with you. Unlike the DIY approach, hiring a professional means that you won’t have to worry about possible diseases and injuries. So, if you’re in the Heights, TX area, don’t hesitate to call a professional rat removal service.

They chew on electrical wiring

Roof Rats are notorious for chewing on electrical wiring. Not only do rats gnaw on wires but they also gnaw plastic and cable. To protect your wiring from chewing, you need to deter these rats from entering your home. Keep areas around wires clean and free of clutter to prevent them from taking up residence. Here are some ways to keep rats away from your home:

First, inspect your wiring. The National Fire Protection Association tracks home fires and estimates that approximately twenty to twenty-five percent of house fires are caused by electrical damage. When rats chew on wires, they strip them of their insulation covering and cause them to spark. The exposed wiring can ignite dry interior walls or flammable furniture, which can cause a fire. When rats urinate on wires, they also short circuit wiring.

The wires in your home are full of wires. Roof rats may be attracted to them because of their plentiful supply. These rodents are extremely smart, which means they can cause serious damage to your wiring. Chewing on wires can lead to electrical faults or bare wires. Therefore, it is very important to regularly monitor your electrical wiring. You can also inspect wires for scratches or teeth marks. Once you see these signs, you can take action.

They transmit diseases

There are several different types of diseases that Roof Rats can carry. Norway rats are among the biggest, and can produce up to 5 litters a year, with about 7 pups per litter. These rats can transmit diseases like Weil’s disease, cryptosporidiosis, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, and viral hemorrhagic fever. Roof rats, on the other hand, are smaller and are more common in higher locations. They can carry diseases such as leptospirosis, salmonellosis, rat-bite fever, trichinosis, and more.

In Southern California, roof rats are a common source of the Seoul virus, which can cause a kidney failure. Orange County Vector Control District encourages residents to report rat sightings to their district. A technician will arrive to inspect the area and assess whether roof rats are carrying the disease. However, this method is not foolproof. For this reason, it is best to hire a professional to handle the removal. Once the infestation is controlled, the rat-free environment will be safe for everyone.

Although it is not known how Roof Rats transmit these diseases, a high-risk area is a high-risk area for these pests. Not only do roof rats spread disease, but they can cause significant damage to structures. Listed below are the diseases caused by Roof Rats. In severe cases, the diseases can even be fatal. Infection with a virus carried by roof rats can cause liver and kidney failure. Another common disease is plague, which causes flu-like symptoms and can lead to shock and bleeding. Rats can also transmit food-borne diseases to humans.

They damage your home or business

If you find a nest in your home, it may be the sign of a rat infestation. Roof rats often create nests on the roofs of homes and businesses, where they live and sleep. Once inside, they chew on electrical wiring, drywall, and insulation, causing structural damage. In addition to chewing on these materials, they can also carry disease. This is why it’s important to take extra precautions when cleaning rat droppings.

One of the best ways to get rid of roof rats is to seal off all possible openings on the outside of the home and business. Then, you can apply rodent repellent that works well to repel the rodents. This is known as rodent proofing. This process can be quite effective, and you can even save some money by signing up for Victor’s e-newsletter. Besides delivering helpful articles and saving money on pest control, the newsletter also contains money-saving deals.

To control your rat population, first of all, you need to understand the behavior of these creatures. Roof rats prefer a high-rise space for nesting, and they can enter your home through a weep hole or overhanging branches. Other rats will use dark places in your backyard, such as old sitting cars, rotting lumber, and overgrown bushes. You should be aware that these animals will come out at night in search of food and shelter.

They can be trapped

The best way to get rid of Roof Rats in The Heights, Texas, is to trap them. Roof Rats live in the attic and second-story rooms of your home. They usually travel to your first-floor rooms when food is not available. Look for signs of Roof Rat activity, such as chewed insulation and openings. Moreover, keep an eye out for droppings and feces, which are about 3/4-inch long and blunt-end.

Besides trapping and removing the pest, you should also prevent their entry into your house. Use copper mesh to cover the chimneys, and keep vents screened with screens. In addition, maintain good hygiene by emptying garbage on a regular basis. Do not store pet food in the refrigerator, and clean up spills immediately. Avoid storing pet food in the sink or putting it on your countertops. Also, avoid placing bird feeders in your yard, as they provide food for Roof Rats.

For full property exclusion, consider a professional company such as Centex Wildlife Control. This company uses super-strong materials to prevent rats from returning. Expandable foam is unsightly and detested by rats in Texas. Moreover, Rats chew through anything, so don’t make the mistake of buying cheap materials to protect your property. Getting rid of Roof Rats in The Heights TX is much easier than you might think!