Rats can be an unpleasant pest for homeowners, not to mention a serious threat. Their teeth can chew through wood and drywall surfaces and create large holes throughout your home if they gain entry.

If rats have invaded your attic, it is vitally important that their nesting sites be identified and eliminated in order to reduce future problems with rodents.

Look for Gnawing Marks

Gnawing marks can be the telltale signs of an infestation in your home. They may appear on doors, ledges, in corners of walls and stored materials and should never be ignored as warnings from potential rat colonies.

If you notice large and fresh gnaw marks that were recently made, that could be a telltale sign that rats have invaded your space. Rats possess larger teeth than mice and often chew with their entire mouths; leaving prominent evidence behind of chewing activity in your area.

Rodent droppings can also be an indicator of an infestation in your home, often appearing dark and moist at first, before turning grey over time.

Rats are very territorial animals that will mark their territory with urine and feces to mark its boundaries. Once established, rats will continue to find ways into your home through various entry points and create havoc there.

Look for Signs of Nesting

There are various signs you can look out for to identify and eliminate rat nesting sites in the attic, one being an unpleasant smell.

Bats, raccoons, and rodents produce an unpleasant odour called guano that can be detected throughout your home. Mice leave small pellet-shaped droppings while rats deposit larger oblong-shaped droppings that indicate their presence.

Rodents need their teeth sharpened regularly, so they gnaw on objects such as furniture, walls and cables as they search for food and shelter in your property. Any darker-than-normal gnawing marks on furniture, walls and cables could indicate an infestation by rats.

Rats prefer quiet and secure areas with easy access to food and water sources. Lofts and attics with thick insulation offer ideal environments where rats can nest.

Look for Nesting Materials

Rats, mice, squirrels and raccoons find attics particularly appealing for several reasons. They provide them with shelter, warmth and materials needed for nest building.

Rats and mice commonly create nests from cardboard, insulation, fabric and paper materials. Furthermore, they may rip apart wiring which poses a fire risk.

Birds take full advantage of unfinished attics by collecting leaves and feathers for nesting material strewn throughout the attic or even stored boxes.

Once you’ve identified nesting material, inspect your attic for any entry points used by animals to gain entry. These could include holes or cracks in foundation walls, siding and doorways as well as any gaps or cracks around foundation stones and doors. If any holes exist, seal them off using chicken wire or another cost-effective material; alternatively hire an attic restoration professional who can repair your attic themselves.

Look for Entry Points

Once a rat infestation has been suspected, it’s crucial to examine all potential entry points for them. Common entryways include wall vents, utility lines and foundation cracks as potential entryways for these rodents.

If a rodent wants to enter your home, they’ll require an entryway that’s large enough for them to squeeze through – this may include holes larger than the size of a dime as well as smaller cracks such as in the foundation or window frame.

To locate entry points, it’s advisable to examine your home from top to bottom and inside out, looking out for signs of chewing, droppings and nesting materials.

If any of the signs mentioned here exist in your home, contact a pest control professional for help immediately. They’ll assess it for potential rat entry points and seal them to provide effective long-term rodent control solutions. Furthermore, they may offer rodent proofing solutions that will protect your home against future rodent infestations while saving both hassle and money in future years.