Rats can be a major nuisance, wreaking havoc to property and food sources while spreading diseases. Furthermore, rats carry fleas and ticks which aggravate allergies in people.
Traps are a highly effective method for getting rid of rats quickly. No harmful poisons need to be administered here – only swift killing.
Glue Traps
Glue traps are a popular rodent control product. Used alone or as part of an integrated pest management plan, these non-pesticide-containing devices do not snap on hands or paws like traditional snap traps, making them suitable for use in areas that would be hard to place traditional snap traps.
Glue traps differ from snap traps in that they catch and kill rodents immediately, often while they’re still alive. While they’re most effective against mice and rats, glue traps have also proven successful against various insects such as fleas.
Animals caught in glue traps often suffer from exhaustion, hunger, dehydration and exposure as they struggle to break free of the sticky adhesive. Some may even succumb to these effects slowly over time. Some animals even go so far as chewing through their own limbs or letting their fur tear in an attempt to free themselves – an action which is both physically painful and traumatizing – often leading to prolonged deaths in some cases.
Bait Stations
Bait stations are an effective and cost-efficient method of rodent control for many reasons, as they’re cost-efficient, simple and straightforward to set up and use.
Aquaponic systems offer a safe and cost-effective alternative to other pesticides or toxic treatments that could endanger non-target animals and humans, and are especially recommended in homes with young children or pets.
Stations may consist of anything as basic as a flat board nailed at an angle to the bottom of a wall or length of pipe that allows bait to be placed (Figures 2, 3). More elaborate stations contain liquid as well as cereal-type rodent baits for easier inspection, while hinged lids make inspection more manageable and childproof latches are frequently installed for extra safety (Figures 4, 5, and 6).
Sprays offer a safe and natural method for deterring rats, working by overwhelming their sense of smell.
Peppermint, cinnamon and vinegar scents have proven highly repellent against mice and rats in homes. You can combine these scents with water for spraying around your home to deter these pesky creatures from taking up residence there.
Ammonia can also be an effective natural rat repellent that you can utilize. Simply combine it with water and spray it where you frequently spot these pests or dip cotton balls in the solution to place in areas you are worried about.
There are various types of sprays you can choose from as well. There are targeted spot application sprays, air space sprays and crack and crevice sprays.
Insecticides are widely used as an effective rat control product both rural and urban settings; however, their misuse may pose risks to humans and animals alike. If not used with care and precaution, however, insecticides could pose potential hazards to both parties involved.
As pesticides may also have unintended repercussions, it’s essential that only those designed specifically to kill your target pest are used.
Homeowners experiencing rat infestations may use one effective and lasting way of controlling them: sealing any cracks or holes through which rats enter the structure – such as water pipes, sewer pipes, drain spouts, electric wires and air circulation openings. This includes water and sewer pipes as well as openings used to circulate air within their home.
Norway and roof rats are destructive creatures that damage food storage, animal feed, containers and packaging materials as well as chew on electrical wires and other structural materials.
Poor urban communities frequently rely on street pesticides to combat rodent issues, and have been linked to child poisoning incidents [8]. While such chemicals may seem safe at first glance, their continued exposure can have serious repercussions for children’s health and cause permanent harm if used repeatedly.